Working Hard For You!
Larry works hard for the citizens of Colorado!

Working Hard for you!
Larry works hard for the citizens of Colorado!
Economic Growth & High-Paying Jobs
Supports Working & Partnering with The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS), the Region’s Strongest Economic Driver
Public Safety
Honors & Supports Our First Responders
Worked for the upgrade and expansion of the "I-25 Gap", not including the toll lane
Co-sponsored SB 17-267 and SB 18-001 providing necessary funds for highway construction
Strong supporter of our local PPRTA
On the Issues
Protect TABOR and respect taxpayers: Larry voted against Ref. C in 2005 and will continue to fight to protect TABOR. In 2019, Larry worked against the legislative bill that brought Ref CC, a measure that would have effectively gutted TABOR permanently. He actively campaigned for its defeat.
Defeat the National Popular Vote (NPV) Initiative. Not only did Larry vote to refer the NPV Repeal to the people of Colorado, he actively campaigned against the very idea of such a move against our constitution. Larry personally collected over 300 signatures to put the repeal of NPV on the ballot in 2020. He is adamantly against taking away Colorado’s electoral votes and giving them to a coalition of Democrat controlled, liberal states.
Supports veterans and the US Military: Larry’s father was a WWII bomber pilot. Larry helped to make it easier for soldiers stationed overseas to vote. Larry was selected as the legislator of the year in 2010 by the United Veterans Committee. He consistently votes for and supports veterans’ issues. Larry recently distributed Certificates of Appreciation to Vietnam Veterans at a ceremony sponsored by The Enlisted Association. He was instrumental in carrying the 2018 Resolution to honor Donald Stratton, one of the last living survivors of the USS Arizona (click here to see pictures). Larry will continue to fight to honor those who serve our country.
Pro-2nd Amendment: Larry will always defend our 2nd Amendment Rights. Larry is a NRA Life Member and Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition Member and Board Member.
If you would like to make a donation to help Larry continue his leadership for Colorado as a Candidate for Senate District 10, click the donate button below.

Larry Liston
Senate District 10

A 53-year resident of Colorado Springs and Senate District 10, Larry Liston is deeply committed to the Pikes Peak Region and the State of Colorado. As a State Representative for twelve years, Larry Liston championed ideas and solutions that helped/benefited the people of House District 16 and Senate District 10 as well as the Pikes Peak region. As a State Senator in District 10, his fight for the people in our community will only grow.
Larry is a proven leader who is committed to working with others in our community. Larry’s financial background in business enables him to help create jobs and work with community leaders to stimulate economic growth in our region.
Larry is a leader that people trust. He has been accountable, accessible and responsive to the needs of House District 16 and will continue as State Senator District 10.
Questions or Comments,
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Larry Liston
PO Box 7954
Colorado Springs, CO 80933
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