Larry’s Legislative Record
2019 – Larry sponsored and actively fought for sheriffs of Coloardo to have increased certification in order to serve as a sheriff. Killed by House Democrats. (County Sheriff Qualification Training Requirements.
2019 – Larry carried legislation to increase the penalty for bodily assaults on employees of a detention facility. Killed by House Democrats in Judiciary Committee.
2018 - Larry carried and passed legislation to help protect homeowners and deployed military from people who illegally occupy their homes. (AKA the “Squatters” bill).
2018 – Larry carried and passed legislation to increase the penalty for burglary of firearms to the same level as theft of controlled substances.
2018 – Larry carried and passed legislation to allow nonresident electors to be able to vote for board members of a special district if they own property in the district.
2017 - Larry sponsored and passed legislation that enabled registered physical therapists to have reciprocity to practice in Colorado and vice versa.
2017 – Larry sponsored and passed legislation concerning a requirement for a defendant in jail to have a timely hearing with a municipal judge.
2017 – Larry carried and passed legislation to allow cemetery authorities greater latitude on how to invest their endowment principal.
Larry carried and passed legislation that lowered unemployment insurance rates for employers who were then able to increase their employee ranks during the recession
Larry passed legislation that saved hard working Coloradoans thousands of dollars of over billing for pathology and lab services
Larry was instrumental in passing legislation that restored financial solvency to Colorado’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund
Larry passed legislation that protected small business medical equipment suppliers from increased and onerous taxes created by OBAMACARE
Larry passed legislation that supported employers in their efforts to hire developmentally disabled citizens, ensuring the opportunity for these good people to work
Larry carried and passed legislation that ensured that our first responders, police and firefighters can return to work without incurring penalties from their pension providers
Larry supported legislation that ensured that our deployed Veteran’s had the right to vote in all Colorado’s elections
Larry supported legislation that protects and ensures the ongoing water supply for Colorado Springs and El Paso County
Larry passed legislation to assist Colorado’s K-12 schools access to alternative financing options that ensures educational opportunities for all students